Vaadin Engine, High-Level Framework for Vaadin Applications on Google App Engine, the Security Release

For those who’ve been following my GitHub activity, you might have noticed I pushed some big updates on my Vaadin Engine project. The project will become a fully functioning starting point to develop Vaadin and Spring powered applications on Google App Engine. Right now it has integrated most of the Spring Security bits you’ll need in most projects and it has a basic but very functional approach at internationalization (i18n). All you need to get started is Maven and Eclipse.

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How to Start Your Own Software Microbusiness

Call them micro businesses, lifestyle entrepreneurs or whatever you like. The shear act of creating your own 1 (or very few) person business that can sustain you and allow you to do the things you want to do, has inspired many people over the years. Now, with the advent of the Internet and software, it is within reach of many more people than it used to be. A few entrepreneurs share their experience on the net, to teach you what (not) to do (and probably show of a little).

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Google AppEngine for Java Loading Request Analysis

I’ve continued work on my Vaadin example project and am trying to make it reusable for new projects. There’s already some code for the Vaadin on Google AppEngine project on GitHub, but for now it’s just a “Hello World” type application. Before I continued, I wanted to see how performance is affected by the different features I’m using in this project. Turns out there is a fairly major penalty to be paid on the loading request, but once loaded, applications tend to not be impacted that much.

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