Pay What You Want is the New Free

The Humble Indie Bundle is the latest example of a growing trend: You’re free to set your own price. The Humble Indie Bundle contains 5 great indie games that would usually retail for about $80, but you get to choose your own price. Looking at the current statistics, the average is way below that price.

Of course, there are a few reasons for that. One is that people can anonymously choose their price. There’s really no social control, so obviously you can’t expect people at their best. But another reason is that most of the games have been out for a while. World of Goo, the most known of the bunch has been available for a few years and has also been featured in other bundles and, I think, in a few Steam specials.

But don’t see it that way, if there’s even just one of those great games you’re missing, you should really consider given a correct amount for this bundle. As an added benefit, you can also support the Child’s Play charity.

Check out the Humble Indie Bundle.