The Opa Web Application, Lunch Hour Experiments

“Another day, another framework”, you might think. And yes, Opa is yet another web framework that is going to revolutionize web development. But don’t judge it too soon, it has a few tricks up its sleeve that might convince you to try it out. Read on for my first hour of Opa.

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Developing Node.JS Applications on Virtualbox Tutorial

While the Node.JS community is quickly evolving all the libraries and making your life as a developer easier every day. One thing you read little about, is the development environment. Every one uses their own cobbled together thing. To get you started with Node.JS, this post is a step by step guide to creating a full working and reproducible environment that supports deployment to Heroku.

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Taking over the Codebase, Solving the Spaghetti Crisis

We’ve all been there. Somebody asks if you can take a look at their website that has been stagnant for a while. Something small needs to be changed. You feel up for a challenge, so you dive in. What you find is a mess. It’s really nobody’s fault. Things evolved over time, different developers and designers have done their thing at various times. Nobody meant any ill will, everybody just did their best. But here you are.

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