13 Aug 2010
New Media and the World
Many little boys dream of going to space, watching the earth from up there and floating around in zero gravity. Thanks to the Internet, it is now possible to get closer to their dream than ever before. In a case of brilliant marketing, or just plain too much money, NASA is really in the loop when it comes to reaching their target audience.
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10 Aug 2010
If you want to host some open source code, there are many many options. Going from the grand-daddy of all open source repositories SourceForge to some more unknown, like Assembla. But one host that has seen extreme growth over the last few years is undoubtedly GitHub. It’s built on the Git system, which makes it incredibly easy to cooperate and exchange ideas in code. No longer is there a need to have dedicated teams working on a project. It’s all ad-hoc and social.
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06 Aug 2010
Games and Oldskool Fun
I mentioned the eight Casual Gameplay Competition a month ago. Now I wasn’t able to enter the competition, but that doesn’t mean I can’t enjoy the results. Isn’t the internet great?
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03 Aug 2010
Java and JavaScript
Although I haven’t mentioned it in a while, I’m still continuing development on my Vaadin project. As with all new technology, sometimes some frustration is involved. Here’s an overview of how I’m currently using Spring’s transaction management and its JDO support. The setup seems easy enough, until you try to run it on the actual AppEngine. Turns out there are some details you need to take care of.
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30 Jul 2010
Java and JavaScript
While learning Python, I’ve also been thinking about what the perfect programming language should look like. So Rob Pike’s talk at OSCON on the reasons behind Google’s Go came at the perfect time.
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