Essential and Not so Essential Eclipse Helios Plugins

Ever since Eclipse Helios (3.6) was released, I’ve been wanting to do a full clean Eclipse install. I didn’t get around to it until this weekend. During that upgrade, I also made a recap of the different plugins I had installed on my old Eclipse. This post is a short summary of the plugins I use, have used and might use.

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PayPal, a Useful Integration Guide

This post goes into the different steps I’ve taken to get started with integrating PayPal in my AppEngine Java application. I couldn’t find a clear list of steps to take in the PayPal documentation, so I’m sure other developers will find the following summary very useful.

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Change User Behavior, Design with Intent

Not all web applications are created equally. Some attract millions of users, others only a handful. One major differentiator is how data and features are represented visually and how the user interacts with them. Some chase users away by their terse, technical and random screens. Others lure in even the most uninterested user by engaging them every step of the way.

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