A Google Appengine Staging Server Howto

Out of the box, Google’s App Engine supports versioned deployments. You can switch back and forth between revisions very easily, which is a great feature for properly testing an application before going live. There is one major problem: All versions of the application share the same datastore. So if you’re migrating your data you run a serious risk of influencing your current production application. Hence the need for a proper staging environment.

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How to Run Your WordPress.org Blog Locally for Experimentation and Fun

If you have a WordPress.org blog and want to try a new plugin or a new look, you have two options: You could just install it on your running production site and risk crashing it. Or you could first experiment with it on a different test installation. Ideally this test system would resemble the real site as closely as possible. I think you can guess which one is the right way and which is the one most people go for. This article show how to copy your existing blog to a local computer and run it there, so you don’t have to fear trying out something new.

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Integrating Vaadin with Google’s App Engine Blobstore, an Example

Google’s AppEngine is a great piece of software. But because of its particular nature, it isn’t always easy to integrate with existing frameworks such as Vaadin. In this article I take a look at how to integrate the App Engine Blobstore with Vaadin. You aren’t able to use Vaadin’s standard Upload component so there are some workarounds necessary. This is just one, feel free to share yours in the comments.

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Tutorial: a Vaadin Application on Google App Engine in 5 Minutes

In this tutorial you’ll learn how to create your very first Vaadin web application, how to run it on a local AppEngine development server and how to deploy it to the Google App Engine infrastructure. And all of that in about 5 to 10 minutes. Yes, if you have the necessary prerequisites installed, you’ll be up and running straight away. Thanks to the power of Maven.

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