Last week I hinted at my renewed interest in JavaScript and IDEs and here’s the result a playground for the API. I wanted to try out’s API and what better way than write a little application. Some time ago I was really impressed with Google’s Code Playground so I wanted try my hand at it.
I’m pretty happy with the result. The application currently only has 2 examples but I didn’t want to hold it back until I finished them all. It also doesn’t have syntax highlighting and the layout will probably break in a few browsers (tried it on Firefox and Chrome)
So it’s far from perfect, but the entire code is fewer than 40 lines. Which I find amazing. It could probably fit comfortably on about 15 lines and still be fairly readable. I keep being impressed by the power of JavaScript and the libraries that are freely available.
Let me know if you find this useful. I have a few other API’s I’d like to showcase, but I’d first like to see how useful other people find this.
So try out my API playground.