While some believe the infographic is dead, I happen to think a graphic representation can help. A good infographic summarizes a lot of information in a condensed and visually interesting style. It’s the way I remember stuff.
There are a lot of brilliant articles and blogposts out there that have a lot of great information. They are interesting reads, however I have trouble retaining that info. Yes, I have those articles bookmarked, but they’re often too long to quickly review.
So I present, the article remix project.
A post that has been in my bookmarks for a long time, and one I really should pay closer attention to, is
Harry “Man With The Pen”‘s post on how to create a great tutorial. I first wanted to create a PhotoShop image, but it turns out that was going to take way too much time for my attention span. So I ended up taking the 960 grid system for a spin and this is the result.
It’s a little rough around the edges, but I really love the concept. I’m sure I’ll be doing more of these in the future.
How to Create a Great Tutorial – the remix
And if you want to print it out for reference, I’ve also created a PDF version. PDFonFly was a great and easy tool for this.