Gravity Bone could be the indie game equivalent of Portal. If only it was a little longer. 2 years ago Brendon Chung’s Blendo Games released Gravity Bone. More a concept than an actual game. It’s still worth playing today.
Just before I finished this little game, I thought I was onto a great action puzzler to haul me over until Portal 2 comes around next year. Sadly, just after that thought the game ended.
If you haven’t played the game, I’m not going to spoil it. You step into the role of some kind of hitman in a stylish cube-faced world. That should be enough to make you go out and grab the game.
Judging by the docs, I got the impression that Brendon had material for a much longer game that would consist of using a number of tools in increasingly complex and imaginative situations. For some reason though (money?) it appears he never got around to it.
And that’s a real shame.
Maybe we should create an indie games fund. There are a few sites out there that allow musicians to let people buy a share of their music productions. Do we need something similar for indie games?